Internet and IT Job Descriptions Released

IT Job DescriptionsThe latest Version of the Internet and Information Technology Position Description HandiGuide has just been released.

It now contains more new job descriptions and the has a new section on how to motivate employees and some new logs that can help standardize your interviewing process.

The new job descriptions that have been added are focused on Information Technology infrastructure, PCI-DSS, and running a green IT operation. The new job descriptions are:

  • Director Safety Program
  • Manager Record Administrator
  • Manager Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
  • Manager Waste Management
  • Project Manager Enterprise Architecture
  • Enterprise Architect
  • PCI-DSS Coordinator
  • Record Management Coordinator
  • Systems Integrator
  • Waste Management Coordinator

The job descriptions come four separate ways:

  • Fully indexed electronic book (600 pages) in PDF format which can be place on your enterprise's internal network
  • MS Word format 600 plus page document which is fully modifiable.
  • Each job description comes as an Individual Word files {Word format)
  • PDF book and Word files

Order IT Job Description HandiGuide  Sample Description  Download TOC

The job descriptions contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuide are all in a standard format and are available as in ePub (eReader), PDF, and Word formats. All of the job descriptions were reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and the ISO 27000 security standard. The latest version of the HandiGuide was completed in and is over 970 plus pages in length. The Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide includes sample organization charts, a job progression matrix, and the 331 Job Descriptions. The book also addresses Fair Labor Standards, Sexual Harassment, the ADA, and is in a new easier to read format.

Each job description meets ADA standards and the individual position descriptions are delivered in electronic format - WORD (.docx) which is editable and PDF can be printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional requirements. Those tools include:

  • Job Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Position Description Questionnaire
  • Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
  • Best Practices - Resume Screening
  • Best Practices - Phone Screening
  • Hiring Guide
  • Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form)

IT Job Descriptions - MS WORD format - Bonus eReader version

331 Internet and IT Job Descriptions as individual files in MS WORD and ePub formats. Long file names have been used to make customization easier. The eReader versions are fully indexed, searchable and work on Kindles, iPads, Android Tablets, and SmartPhones.

Each job description is between two (2) to six (6) pages in length and has been created utilizing CSS style sheets. As such they are "out of the box" ready to use with little or no modification other than organization specific customization.

HandiGuide & IT Job Descriptions - pdf and MS WORD formats

The Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide comes in PDF format and job descriptions as separate MS WORD files. The PDF book is over 1,000 pages in length and contains 331 Job Descriptions in addition to a Job Progression Matrix Template, Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form), Job Evaluation Questionnaire, and Position Description Questionnaire. There is one word file for each job description (MS WORD format). Long file names have been used to make customization easier.

The Handiguide and job descriptions meet all mandated requirements and are all focused on achieving best practices followed by successful IT organizations in world class enterprises from around the world.

Order IT Job Description HandiGuide  Sample Description  Download TOC